2011-01-02 02:00:21 UTC
then words will do.
It has, remember Bob Hawke's daughter. Nothing will happen becauseShe said she had called the police more than 50 times in the five
weeks since opening the shop, and that she had been forced to
barricade herself and customers inside on several occasions when
violence broke out in the mall.
# Nothing will be done until a politicians' family gets harmed. Untilweeks since opening the shop, and that she had been forced to
barricade herself and customers inside on several occasions when
violence broke out in the mall.
then words will do.
nothing can stop the scourge of drugs while there is a profit in them
drugs, it's not that much of a scourge. Not counting your usual booze and
ciggies, of course.
is the cost of law enforcement, drug turf wars or the crime from addicts